
                            Profit clicking

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 Profit Clicking Review really pinpoints and zones in on the intricacies of the profit clicking system, which use to be known as Just Been Paid (JBP).

I assume you already know how the system works, so over this page, I’ll just go through the pros and cons of the system. If you don’t know how it works, E-mail me at to learn the basics first.

There are good points to the system as well as bad points.


The Good Thousands upon thousands of people are making a 
helluva lotta money from the profit clicking system.

Making a thousand dollars 
a day is no big deal for a majority of profit clicking members. That’s quite normal. In fact, many long term members are making several thousands every single day.

Your income grows over time as you continue to re-invest part of your profits. If you re-invest 
all of your profits, your income increases much faster.

Another good aspect of profit clicking is that you get to withdraw your profits any day you choose. You can withdraw every day if you wish. There are some cons associated with this which I will explain below.

You get paid 2% daily and it compounds on the amount of positions you hold at that time. After 85 days, if you haven’t touched any of your profits, you should have 1.5 x the amount you put in. This isn’t bad for doing absolutely nothing.

As you know, each position (known as a
ad package) costs $10 each. If you were to buy, say, 50 positions (costing $500), then each day, you would receive 2% of that which is $10 for 5day a week(week days) and 1% on weekends which is $5 for 2days which amounts to the total of $60 a week, . If you reinvested each $10 into buying a new position every day, then you would increase the number of positions you hold and therefore increase the amount of daily earnings too. This is how people make over $1000 every day – by simply reinvesting into more ad package positions as they accrue more and more profits. Imagine making $1000 a day and reinvesting all of that back into new positions. It starts to get very big very fast!

Since the ad package(tripler) can make you thousands every day, that is a good enough reason to join. But if that isn’t enough, profit-clicking  (former JBP) also has a separate money making system that is connected to ad package (triplers). It’s called Synergy Surf or JSS or ‘the matrix’(pc panel for profitclicking).

After 85 days, your ad package (tripler) positions expire and give you a profit. But every 4th tripler that expires is entered as a position in the matrix side of the system. You can also buy a position in the matrix or pc panel separately.

The matrix gives you an additional income. Each position in the matrix is worth $20 at the beginning. By the time it’s ready to pay out, it’s worth $60.

Now imagine if you had 100 positions in the matrix. 100 x $60 = $6000.

But I consider the matrix to be a bonus to the tripler system. It’s optional but advantageous. I mean, why not let your expired tripler positions become positions in the matrix? It’s a no-brainer since expired positions do absolutely nothing for you. You already got your money and use out of them. They may as well go on and enter the matrix to make you more money for doing nothing extra.

If that wasn’t enough, there is still another route to making money – by introducing other people to the profit clicking system (just like I am doing with this 
profit clicking review).

For every person you refer directly, you will receive $1 for every position they buy.

So, let’s say you introduce Gentle and he buys 50 positions for $500. You will earn $50 just for this transaction. Then, as time goes on and Gentle reinvests his profits to make more money for himself, he will be buying more and more positions which means more and more $1 units for you. Eventually, he may be buying 100 positions every day, which means $100 comes to you daily, for doing nothing.

Now imagine you introduced say 30 people like this. How much money do you think you can make as a result of their purchases?

In addition to this, if Gentle and the other referees  introduce someone else into the business, you get $0.50 per position from their purchases too. So if Gentle introduced Jane, and Jane bought 500 positions, you would get $250, while Gentle would get $500 for being her direct sponsor.

So, all in all, the ad package (tripler), the matrix and the referral system make up the Profit Clicking system and they do provide a fantastic income.

You don’t have to sponsor anyone to make money with this system. This itself sets itself apart from so many other programs which rely on a lot of heavy-duty referral work.

The profit clicking system also has patent for the way it works. The patent number is: 6578010.

These are the good points. These points are all related to the income potential of the system. Generally, this is good enough to get over all the negative aspects of the business because greed is a powerful factor!

I’m going to list the bad points now. If after reading this, you are convinced that the good points outweigh the bad, then its time to start putting some money into the tripler system.

The BadProfit Clicking smells and tastes like a Ponzi scheme and a High Yield Investment program (HYIP).

It has many similar characteristics to these schemes and therefore many will regard it as such. Because people see it as a scheme, they tend to dismiss it without looking at the exact workings of the system. If you delve deep into the workings of the system, you’ll discover that it’s neither a Ponzi or a HYIP.

It’s fully legit and it has a law firm which makes sure it stays that way and complies with all the relevant laws.

Some people will still argue and call it a scam or a Ponzi or a HYIP etc… but from my research, I concluded that it was nether of these. I went in with an open mind and didn’t listen to anyone else’s comments beforehand. This allowed me to look at it from an impartial viewpoint. Only when I was satisfied, did I proceed with the program.

The current Profit Clicking (Just Been Paid) website looks very amateurish. It looks like something made by a 15 year old kid. This doesn’t breed confidence either. One look at this is enough to think that this must be a scam.

However, I do know that they are planning on overhauling the whole site and so by the time you read this, they may have upgraded the site already.

When withdrawing the money, you have to go through Solid Trust Pay (STP), Payza, Liberty Reserve, EgoPay or Perfect Money. These processors are not ideal but they have to do the job. The JBP fee for withdrawal is between 4-8% depending on the processor used.

On top of that, the processor charges a nominal amount. All these charges are not good. But, If you have a lot of profit coming your way, then the fee will seem minimal compared to the amount you will receive.

To receive payouts from the matrix, you need to be subscribed to a product which costs $15 every 3 months. This allows you to benefit from the matrix thereby withdrawing $60 for every position held. The benefits outweigh the cons and therefore is a no-brainer.

The biggest complaint received from these types of programs relate to how the system will collapse after a certain period of time. When that happens, the whole thing comes crashing down and the owner of the system runs with people’s money.

Some people say the same thing about the profit clicking system. They don’t think it is a sustainable business model. They believe the system will end when there is negative cash flow.

This assumption would be correct if Profit Clicking was the same as all the other programs you find out there. The designer of the system (Frederick Mann) is a mathematical genius. He devised the system in such a way where it would remain sustainable indefinitely. In fact, he even patented the system.

When negative cash flow occurs in the system, a feature called “Restart” is activated. When this happens, people start losing a lot of the tripler positions they had paid for. They do keep the amount of money they had accumulated up to that point but the positions are gone.

This loss of positions upsets a lot of people. But the positive side of this is, those lost tripler positions are now converted into matrix positions. This means that you would actually receive more money from the “Restart” than without, but it would take you a little longer to get your money.

The restart is a necessary part of the program to keep the system indefinitely sustainable. Without this, the program would be like the other programs that fail after a certain period of time.

So you have both good and bad aspects of the restart.

Bad: Loss of tripler positions and longer wait time to get full amount of profit.

Good: More money over longer term and keeps the system sustainable.

So these are the bad points I know of. The bad points are not so bad and some of them are not even bad points, but taking everything into consideration, I believe the good outweighs the bad.

Thousands of people are making hundreds of dollars on a daily basis from the profit clicking system. for this reason, I do recommend joining this system.

I hope this profit clicking review was helpful in making you decide if the system is for you.

it is for you,  click here to join and I will help you along the way.

General Information
1) How do I make money in Profit Clicking?
There are 3 ways to make money in Profit Clicking: 
  • Through  Advertising Package Program 
  • PC Panel Program 
  • Membership Referral Program.
  Advertising Package Program When you purchase an Advertising Package you are purchasing a Traffic Exchange package providing you with 1000 advertising impressions .
As an Affiliate you will enjoy varied earnings over a period of not less than 81 days for each advertising package you purchase.
Each Advertising Package sells at a cost of $10. In addition to the obvious benefits received from providing your website(s) with powerful advertising – you will also enjoy earnings on each package for a minimum of 81 days. Earnings will vary based on a variety of factors which assist in ensuring your earning health and continued the longevity of the Profit Clicking advertising program.
In addition to daily earnings on each advertising package you will receive a bonus of a free PC Panel each time you have 4 advertising packages mature. Your free PC Panel will provide you with a $60 rebate once it is finalized. It is our way of saying thank you for supporting our advertising program.
Ad Package Referral Program In addition to the advertising package earnings and the rebate – you can also earn by introducing others to the benefits of online advertising through Profit Clicking.
By sharing your links and introducing referrals, you can earn 10% commission on Level 1 and 5% commission on Level 2 for their Advertising Package purchases.
PC Panel Program The PC Panel Program is an Elite Traffic Exchange Program which maximizes your Profit Clicking earnings.
To enjoy these earnings you purchase a PC Panel for $20 and refer others who do the same.
Each referral helps to finalize one of your PC Panels allowing you to enjoy a $60 rebate. Every 1st and 3rd (the 3rd is a variable parameter subject to change) advertising package belonging to one of your referrals is used to help you finalize one of your PC Panels .
By choosing to use the Accelerators available to you to finalize your PC Panels you will receive a $60 rebate for each one completed. This is the fast-track method to enjoying $60 rebates.
For every 4th matured Advertising Package you own you will receive one free PC Panel.
You can use your Advertising Package account to “feed” your PC Panel account since 50% of the free PC Panels you receive from maturing Ad Packages will assist towards finalizing existing PC Panels you own. The more Advertising Packages which have maturing, the more free PC Panels you receive – the more will go to assisting finalization of your existing PC Panels thus speeding the process of increasing your earnings!
Another option is to do nothing. By not referring anyone or by have no maturing Advertising Packages, the process of finalizing your PC Panels will take much longer (a few months up to 1 year). How quickly you earn your $60 rebate depends hugely on what action you decide to take.
PC Panel Referral Program By promoting your links and getting referrals, you can earn $5 commission on Level 1 and $2.50 commission on Level 2, when one of your referrals’ enjoys a $60 rebate from one of their finalized PC Panels.
- Profit Clicking Membership:
PC sells Advertising Packages, PC Panels and Success Training Packages to members . 

PC itself has four main parts, each with a product:
1. PC0:
Product: Upgrade Your Brain - Cost: Free

2. PC1:
Product: The Big Success Breakthrough - Cost: $15 every three months, Non-Commissionable

3. PC2:
Product: Killer Success Tricks 1-7 - Cost: $57 every three months - Pays a commission of $28.50 per sale

4. PC3:
Product: Killer Success Tricks 8-? - Cost: $117 every three months - Pays a commission of $58.50 per sale.
You receive a commission each time one of your referrals upgrades or renews. These earnings are automatically credited to your PC Panel account.
In order to receive these membership commissions, you yourself must be upgraded to Level 2 or Level 3 (see Profit Clicking Level 2 and Level 3 Information for information on “leapfrogging”).

2) What is the product that Profit Clicking is offering to the members?
A. PC sells Advertising Packages - PC Panels and Success Training Packages to members. PC itself has four main parts, each with a product:
1. PC0 (free) -- Product: Upgrade Your Brain.

2. PC1 -- Product: The Big Success Breakthrough.

3. PC2 -- Product: Killer Success Tricks #1 - #7.

4. PC3 -- Product: Killer Success Tricks #8 - #?

Your ability to succeed not just monetarily but in every aspect of your life can virtually be charted in proportion to what extent you learn and implement the products provided within the program. These life-changing products will be available on the site very soon, so look for them!

3) What is so special about PC that makes it different from other money-making programs and do I need to recruit members to earn money?
A. The biggest breakthrough is the Advertising Package program. No other program we know of makes it so easy for you to make money. The second big breakthrough is the powerful PC Panel Program and the third is that you do not need referrals or down-lines to make money. However, it is the synergistic power of the combination of these factors which put PC in a class of its own for providing simplicity and high impact earning power to the 98 percenters.

4) Where do I find the referrals that signed up under me?
A. To view your Level 1 referrals and their activities, click on the Home tab, then look for the “My Referrals” tab on the sidebar to see how many referrals you have on Levels 1 through 2 (or 3?). [check to see what is associated with this tab – may need to be changed on the page]

5) What are the main benefits I get from joining Profit Clicking and how much can I earn?
A. You can earn money in five ways in Profit Clicking. 1) By purchasing Advertising Packages and enjoying daily earnings (earnings can vary based on a variety of factors) for each package until the Ad Package matures which is usually a minimum of 81 days

2) When your referrals purchase Advertising Packages you can earn 10% commission for those on Level 1 and 5% commission for those on Level 2
3) By purchasing PC Panels (or getting them for free) and completing them thereby receiving a $60 rebate.
4) Additionally, when you’re Level 1 and Level 2 Referrals enjoy their $60 rebates from their finalized PC Panels - you will earn commissions of $5 (Level 1) and $2.50 (Level 2).
5) Finally, you are also eligible to earn commission on the Level 2 and Level 3 membership upgrades every time a referral renews his membership (provided eligibility requirements are met).

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