Wednesday, August 22, 2012


When it comes time to make money over internet connections, many people imagine they can turn on their computer, use some secret formula and start earning thousands of dollars easily. It's not that simple though friends, because making money on the internet will require either a lot of hard work, or investing your own money into the venture before you see significant payouts. However, there are some great free ways you can start earning money online, which are perfect for beginners to learn about how money is made here on the world wide web! On this page, I'll detail three particular websites you'll probably want to focus when you are just starting out. If you're already keen to online moneymaking, stay with me, as you may want to use these sites as well (if you're not already!)


1. Craft a Strong Title
The title you attach to an article can mean the difference between it being widely read and
completely ignored. Which is more appealing: Tax Tips for Individual Filers or Nine Things the IRS
Doesn’t Want You to Know? What about How to Have a Successful First Date compared to First-
Date Maneuvers That Will Have Him Begging for More?

2. Address Problems and Provide Solutions
Readers are attracted to articles that promise to help them reach a desired goal; but articles that tell
people how to avoid or overcome a problem are even more in demand. What solutions can you
provide to help them deal with problems?

3. Provide Ordered How-To Steps
How-to articles are one of the most popular formats. Let readers know what procedure to take to get
from point A to point B.

4. Supply How-To Details with Your What-to-do Advice
Too many how-to articles tell readers what to do without telling them how to do it. You’ll impress a
lot more people with your articles if you go beyond simply telling them obvious, surface-level facts.
Your true expertise will shine in the details you provide.

5. Use Concrete Examples and Quotes
You’ll get your points across more forcefully by providing examples to back them up. Regularly
weave in a combination of personal anecdotes, stories of other people’s experiences, and quotes from
people who can validate the tips you offer.

6. Include Relevant Links
As you write each section of your articles, ask yourself if there’s a place you can send readers to get
more information. You don’t have to supply a link in every paragraph, but most articles you write
should contain at least a couple of online resources.

7. Avoid Jargon and Twenty-Dollar Words
Too many beginning writers feel they need to write to impress. Don’t use twenty-dollar words when
a fifty-cent word will do just fine. If you clearly communicate your expertise and truly help your
readers, they will be plenty impressed.

8. Keep Sentences Short
Try to keep many of your sentences short. Sometimes, very short. Like this. Readers process your
ideas more efficiently when you keep your sentences on a leash.

9. Make it Personal
Speak directly to your readers through your articles. Have a personal conversation with them. You’re
not reciting a thesis. You’re chatting it up with someone who shares similar interests.

10. Self-Promote Sensibly
Too many experts gratuitously weave in awkward plugs for their products and services for no other
reason than to promote themselves. Concentrate on giving your readers what they need to know. If
your article’s topic is focused on your area of expertise, readers will think you’re cool even if you
don’t go out of your way to point it out.